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Are you struggling to survive with herpes?
Have you heard of the Secret Society? (The Support Group)
When you’re all alone and dealing with your diagnosis, it feels insurmountable and impossible to fathom that anyone will love you with Herpes.
The resulting brain maze and crazy-making monkey mind will make a completely normal day feel like the darkest of days.
I see what’s happening in the other herpes communities online. The existence of real community is missing. Some of the groups out there feel like a party for negative nancy’s and debbie downers. Other groups are just for hooking up and getting high.
*womp womp*
But when you have a community of people who are there WITH you, who support you, then your darkest days can feel like a ray of sunshine. (Cheesy, but so true!)
The Life With Herpes membership portal is great (see below) but the Secret Society is SO special!
Yes, of course there are gonna be “Eeyore days” that feel tough. That’s the beauty of having a community surrounding you. Because those days come and go with the warm, uplifting support in our group!
With the help of the Life With Herpes Secret Society, what remains when the clouds lift is a wealth of resources, a big virtual group hug, and some real life-long friends.
Join The Secret Society
(aka. The Original Support Group)
A note about your privacy: Your privacy is my ultimate concern and that's why we have a secure membership site and a secure secret society slack community. When you apply you will be asked some questions about your diagnosis so that as a community we can help you through this rollercoaster. I can't wait to meet you and see you in there.
Members Are...
- All genders All races All ages (13+)
- All educations From all over the world (even Portugal!)
- All sexual orientations
- All relationship statuses
- We ALL have herpes.
Basically, you’ll feel right at home!
Success Stories
*btw, names changed for privacy purposes

Sally was able to break up with her emotionally abusive partner.

John disclosed to his partner after many months of dating and they’re still together!

Ashley, Kate, and Emily are now BFF’s and went vacation together a couple months ago!

Susan finally figured out the magic prevention recipe for her outbreaks.

Lauren decided to say “F it!” and tell everyone she meets at a bar about her diagnosis and is loving it!

Matt is beginning to date and is learning to trust again.
The Life With Herpes Secret Society is $19.99/month. There’s no commitment to join, so cancel your subscription at your freedom.
We can’t wait to get to know you.