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Tell Your Partner Toolkit


Get step-by-step guidance to tell your partner you have herpes. It can feel scary but it doesn't have too. Your future self will thank you and your present self is begging for the toolkit.

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Outbreak Toolkit


Get step-by-step guidance for your herpes outbreak. It might suck now, but it doesn’t have to last long. Your future self will thank you and your present self is begging for the toolkit.

Get Your Toolkit

Tell Your Partner Toolkit: $39.99

tell your partner toolkit - alexandra harbushkaThis toolkit will point you in right direction, give you confidence to disclose to your partner, and give you step by step hand-holding on how to do it. 

If you're anything like are scared to go out and date and tell that person you really like that you have herpes. 

I know I sure was and it took me two years to get out of a relationship that I knew wasn't right for me and gain the confidence to be able to get out there and date and begin to tell people that I have herpes. 

It was terrifying! Not worse...I was scared shitless. And the worst part, I felt alone and had no clue how to bring my herpes diagnosis up!

However, somewhere deep down in me I believed that I was worth more and just because I had herpes I deserved to date, have sex and have the relationship of my dreams. It took me 2 years to realize that I didn't need to settle and that I had to get uncomfortable in order to be happy. 

I don't want you to take 2 years to get the confidence to date. 

I don't want you to go on dates and then run for the hills when it's time to have the "talk".

I don't want you to just give up and either settle or worse never date again.

I only wish someone had invested the time to put this Toolkit together back in 2011.

I'm grateful to be able to get this information to you; helping to put your mind at ease and show you living and dating with herpes is possible.

Alexandra Harbushka, creator of

Inside This Tell Your Partner Toolkit You'll Receive:

  • Easy steps to telling your partner in 15 minutes or less
  • 14 videos to walk you through the details on why to tell your partner, when to tell your partner and how to tell your partner. 
  • Scripts to download so you can know word for word what to say
  • Herpes 101 information and statistics to keep in  your back pocket for when your partner asks you questions

Easy steps to follow.
You don't have to feel so alone.
Tell your partner in 15 minuets or less.
Know what to say, when to say it and how to say it.
Your secret doesn't have to hold you back from dating.

 "I was holding back from dating because I was so scared to tell anyone that I have herpes. I needed to know that I was deserving of love and it's okay to put myself out there even with my herpes diagnosis. "


"I'd been rejected the last 3 times I disclosed and needed to know what I doing wrong. Asking Alexandra helped me know when to disclose and how to do it. "


“I'm embarrassed to say that I've been dating someone for 5 months and never told him I have herpes. I know I needed to disclose and this toolkit helped me have the conversation.”


“I didn't realize that disclosing can actually help my partner and I prevent transmission. ”


Life with Herpes Outbreak Toolkit: $31.99

Sex With A Herpes Outbreak  with Alexandra HarbushkaThis toolkit will point you in right direction, back towards confidence, peace, comfort, and pain-free herpes outbreak living.

If you are anything like me ... you are in a lot of pain ... emotional and physical. I know I sure was. All of a sudden, life feels really uncomfortable on so many different levels, right? Are you feeling lost? Alone? Terrified?

I know I sure was. In fact, and let’s be honest, I was scared shitless. Does any of this sound familiar? I know these things because like you... I have herpes too.

When I was diagnosed my doctor was awful. I walked out of her office with a prescription and a lousy 3-fold informational pamphlet. I had to find all this information myself. I only wish someone had invested the time to put this Toolkit together back in 2011.

I'm grateful to be able to get this information to you; helping to put your mind at ease and show you living with herpes is possible.

Alexandra Harbushka, creator of

Inside This Herpes Outbreak Toolkit You'll Receive:

  • Daily videos to walk you through the content and give you more information
  • Easy steps to managing your outbreak (48-hour Action Plan, 4 pages)

  • Relief from pain, embarrassment, and confusion (Outbreak Shopping List, 8 pages)
  • The nitty gritty down-low of the gift that keeps giving (Outbreaks 101, 2 pages)


  • Love notes & outbreak stories (7 Daily Letters from me!)
  • Truth behind the inevitable announcements (Difficult Conversation Primer)

Hear what other people are saying

“I felt so lost without this to-do list!”

- Ashley, San Diego CA

"Since my diagnosis I have been filled with tears, heartache, and anxiety. I wish I had found this Toolkit sooner!"

- Susan, Saint Louis MO

“I kept going back to store, over and over when what I really should’ve done was get all of my supplies at once, go back home, and just binge on Netflix.”

- John, Washington D.C.

“This toolkit helped me to use my state of shock when it was useful, rather than waiting frozen in fear.”

- Julie, Omaha NE

“I’m so glad I had someone who was willing to hold my hand through every step.”

- Jordan, Seattle WA

You Don't have to feel so alone

Easy steps to managing your outbreak

Your Outbreak doesn't have to be so bad

Relief from pain, embarrassment, and confusion

The nitty-gritty down-low of the gift that keeps giving

Soothe the onset of an outbreak to promote fast healing