005: You Are Safe In The Life With Herpes Community
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More About Life With Herpes
I created this special bonus episode because I understand not wanting others to know you have herpes; I’m here to reassure you people aren't going to know you have herpes just by listening in. And your Facebook friends won't know you have herpes if you join our group. It's private, secure and not available to the general public. It's a secret group so no one can see that you've joined.
This show and the Facebook group is for us to share, to laugh, to cry, to be angry, to be joyful together. It's for us to go through this experience together and support each and be on this ride as a community. So don’t worry about anyone knowing you have herpes just by joining us on Facebook.![](https://a.simplerousercontent.net/uploads/asset/file/3051181/Life-With-Herpes-Quotes-Alexandra-Harbushka-005.png)
It’s also private when you become a subscriber. When you hit the subscribe on your phone it shows up in your phone, but not anywhere else. It downloads into your podcast app on your phone. All you have to do is go to iTunes and press subscribe. You can share it of course, via email or on social media if you want.
If you are on YouTube and want to subscribe you'll get email notifications when there is a new episode but no other notifications will go to the general public.
I wanted you to know this is secure and I am doing everything I can to keep this private for you, I understand about not wanting to tell the whole world you have herpes! I'm here for you and so is the rest of the community. Thanks for tuning into this special bonus show about Life With Herpes.
Community, Friends, and Herpes
Welcome to Life With Herpes, I’m excited you are here! Whether it's for yourself or for a loved one I appreciate you being with me on the show. This episode is a bonus; I want to reassure you being a part of the Life With Herpes community is safe and secure, no one will know unless you want them to. We’ll talk about that and more on today’s show.More About Life With Herpes
I created this special bonus episode because I understand not wanting others to know you have herpes; I’m here to reassure you people aren't going to know you have herpes just by listening in. And your Facebook friends won't know you have herpes if you join our group. It's private, secure and not available to the general public. It's a secret group so no one can see that you've joined.
This show and the Facebook group is for us to share, to laugh, to cry, to be angry, to be joyful together. It's for us to go through this experience together and support each and be on this ride as a community. So don’t worry about anyone knowing you have herpes just by joining us on Facebook.
Tweetable: “Being a part of this community is safe and secure.” - Alexandra Harbushka
It’s also private when you become a subscriber. When you hit the subscribe on your phone it shows up in your phone, but not anywhere else. It downloads into your podcast app on your phone. All you have to do is go to iTunes and press subscribe. You can share it of course, via email or on social media if you want.
If you are on YouTube and want to subscribe you'll get email notifications when there is a new episode but no other notifications will go to the general public.
I wanted you to know this is secure and I am doing everything I can to keep this private for you, I understand about not wanting to tell the whole world you have herpes! I'm here for you and so is the rest of the community. Thanks for tuning into this special bonus show about Life With Herpes.
Episode Resources
- Life With Herpes website
- Join The Life With Herpes Facebook community
- 9 OTC Herpes Remedies
- Check out the Life With Herpes Facebook page
- DoTerra’s Essential Oils
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