
Telling Your Partner

How Hard Is It to Disclose Herpes?


Navigating the Challenges of Disclosure

Disclosing herpes to a partner is one of the most daunting conversations many people face. The fear of rejection, judgment, and misunderstanding can make it seem like an insurmountable obstacle. However, it's important to remember that while disclosing herpes can be challenging, it is far from the most difficult conversation you might have in life. Herpes is a common condition, affecting a large portion of the population, and with the right approach, …

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Afraid to Ask About a Partner's STD Results, But Willing to Sleep with Them?


Navigating the Challenges of Discussing Sexual Health

Entering a new sexual relationship can be exciting, but it also comes with responsibilities, including discussing sexual health. Many people find themselves willing to be intimate with a new partner but feel afraid to ask about their STD results. This fear is common, yet addressing it is crucial for your health and the health of your partner. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's important to have this conversation, how to approach…

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Disclosing Herpes Over Text


Pros, Cons, and Suggestions

Disclosing your herpes status to a partner can be a daunting task, filled with anxiety and uncertainty. Many people consider different ways to approach this conversation, including using text messages. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of disclosing herpes over text, provide smart suggestions for doing it effectively, and discuss why an in-person conversation might sometimes be a better option. We’ll also introduce our Tell Your Partner Toolkit, whic…

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Disclosing Herpes to a Partner: Tips for a Positive Conversation


How to Talk About Your Diagnosis with Confidence and Honesty

Disclosing your herpes status to a partner can be one of the most challenging aspects of living with herpes. The fear of rejection, misunderstanding, or damaging the relationship can make this conversation seem daunting. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can navigate this conversation with confidence and honesty. In this post, we'll provide tips for having a positive conversation about your herpes diagnosis with your…

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How to Tell Your Partner About Herpes with Confidence


A Guide to Having Honest and Fearless Conversations

One of the most daunting aspects of living with herpes is disclosing your status to a partner. The fear of rejection, misunderstanding, or damaging a relationship can make this conversation seem impossible. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can navigate this conversation with confidence and clarity. In this post, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to tell your partner about herpes.

The first step in disclosing your…

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The Day I Got Diagnosed with Genital Herpes Was the Worst Day of My Life: Oh Sh*T Anniversary pt.5

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It's Friday July 1st and this was the day that changed my everything. This was the day 13 years ago that I got diagnosed with genital herpes. I still have the dress that I was wearing when I was diagnosed with herpes so I thought I'd be fun to try it on.

If you can remember I had gone for my annual physical on Tuesday, so I was patiently awaiting my results. I was thinking that if I don't get a phone call by 3:00 then I'll have to call the doctors because otherwise it's a holiday weekend w…

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What Life with Herpes Looks like for 13 Years - Oh Sh*T Anniversary Pt.5

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In case you're just tuning in and haven't been following along this weeks series, let me bring you up to date. This is my "oh shit anniversary", aka the week I got diagnosed with genital herpes. So I'm bringing you along for the emotional ride and sharing what my diagnosis was like.

At this point in the week I still had not received my diagnosis and there was still so much up in the air. I remember feeling so unsettled and was in limbo wondering if I had herpes and if it was going to change…

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The Secret Society: An Online Support Group for Herpes Community

Secret society - show 2022 (Blog Banner)

Finding out you have herpes can be a difficult and isolating experience. When Alexandra, the founder of The Secret Society was first diagnosed, she felt alone and without support. That's why she created The Secret Society, an online support group for people living with herpes.

The Secret Society is a place where people from all over the world come together to find support, make friends, and talk about their herpes journey. It's a safe space where people can be open and honest without fe…

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Herpes Disclosure: After You’ve Slept with Them

Herpes Disclosure After You’ve Slept with Them (Blog Banner)

This topic brings up so many emotions. If you just slept with someone and they then later told you that they have herpes, I’m sure you are angry and confused. And if you have herpes and just slept with someone and didn’t tell them, I bet you have a lump in you stomach. 

First, I want to talk about why it’s important to disclose. At the end of the day you are sharing the most intimate part of yourself with someone else. That does not just mean emotionally, that also means physically. You are p…

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Can You Have Unprotected Sex If You Have Herpes?

Can You Have Unprotected Sex If You Have Herpes (Blog Banner)

Yes, of course you can. But before you hit the sheets with your partner let’s talk about some details first.

One of the biggest fears or thoughts are about having sex when you’ve been diagnosed with herpes is that you’ll have to use a condom for the rest of your life. 

The other day I was listening to a podcast and the woman called on and said that she was interested in a guy but he has genital herpes. She naturally was concerned and proceeding very cautiously. I mean, I totally get it. One …

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