046: If You Have Herpes Can It Pop up Anywhere on Your Body? #AskAlexandra
Ask, Answer and Get the Facts about Herpes
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Life With Herpes Podcast
Welcome to episode 46 of Life With Herpes.Thank you for being here, I'm excited to spend this time with you. If you want to pay it forward subscribe on iTunes and leave a review. The link is below in the Resources section and it's also here. To those of you who have already subscribed and left a review - thank you!Today is another one of my favorites: the #AskAlexandra show. Today's question is from Xavier in Oakland, California. Xavier wants to know if you herpes can it pop up somewhere else once you have it. Great question! Join me to hear the answer on episode 46 of Life With Herpes.
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The short answer to Xavier's question is no, the long answer is yes, possibly. Let me explain since it sounds like I am contradicting myself!
For example if you have oral herpes it won't randomly pop up in your genitals. It's going to stay around your mouth, in the oral area of your body. And vice versa: if you have it in your genitals it's not going to randomly pop up on your lip.
But when we have outbreaks we need to be cautious of transmitting the virus to other places on our body.
Tweetable: “Herpes can be transmitted to another place on your body.” - Alexandra Harbushka
However, in some cases if you touch your lip after touching your herpes sores you can transmit it to your lips; this happens if your immune system is down or challenged.
So it's not like a pimple or chicken pox where it will just pop up randomly. It can only pop up elsewhere when it is transmitted from another part of your body that is already infected.
And one last word of warning about this: be extremely careful when touching your eyes during an outbreak. When I was diagnosed with oral herpes my doctor told me to be very careful about touching or rubbing my eyes when I had an outbreak because you don’t want the virus in your eye! The same is true for genital herpes.
I hope this answers your question, Xavier. Thank you, this was another awesome question! I am so glad to have the chance to answer it on episode 46 of Life With Herpes.
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