057: #AskAlexandra Should I get tested again for herpes in 6 months?

Ask, Answer and Get the Facts About Herpes

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Welcome to today’s episode of Life With Herpes as we answer questions from our community. This is one of my favorites to record because I get to hear from you and hear your questions. Today’s question comes from our anonymous friend from Sydney, Australia. Here is her story and question, “I had non-penetrative sexual contact with a hsv2+ person. I was tested at 2 and 3 months post contact and was negative for hsv 2 but positive for hsv 1. Do you think I should still worry and get tested again at 6 months? I have had no symptoms at all except like a few pimples which weren't painful and didn't look like herpes sores.”


As I proceed to answer this question from our Aussie I want to ensure that we all know that HSV 1 (oral herpes) and HSV 2 (genital herpes) can be passed back and forth from oral to genital. If you have been exposed to an HSV positive partner then yes, it is wise to get a herpes test. However, as I mentioned most likely this is not the first time you have been exposed to HSV and it won’t be the last. Since, our Aussie has tested a couple of times post her initial contact I believe that she is in the clear. However, I tell a personal story about a nightmare I had and how I went to get retested to ease my worry and concern. If the worry is going to eat you up then yes, get tested again.


I do offer some additional recommendations so I do hope you will tune in to the episode to hear more and of course hear my story about my nightmare.


Thank you, my Aussie friend, for asking this great question, I hope it helps and I hope you take a minute to breathe, take a goddess bath and know that you are fine.

Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka



www.instagram.com/alexandraharbushka (ps. There are some fun photos from my Paris trip on there)




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