068: Condoms and Oral with Alexandra Harbushka
Latex, Dentists, and Oral
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Welcome to today’s episode of Life With Herpes. As always I am thrilled to be here with you and thank you for being here and hanging out with me. Ok, so I am sure you are wondering where I am going to go with the title called, Condoms and Oral. Well, it all started today when I was at the dentist. I had to get the sealant that goes on your molars to prevent cavities fixed. I still have my baby teeth so these are some pretty old molars and the sealant needs to be fixed so I don’t get cavities. In today’s episode, I go on to tell stories about visits to the dentist as a child and about having braces and then I bring you up to date to today’s visit. So I was thinking while having my dentists hands in my mouth, gauze, the slava thing and bright lights on my mouth that it would be really disgusting if my dentist didn’t have gloves on. I mean I think it would be really gross. However, we will have oral sex without using a condom. I mean think about it.Our sex education has been pretty poor and most of us received the talk of just don't get pregnant or get anyone pregnant. Well… there's a lot more to learn than just that. I believe that one of the main reasons why condoms are used is to prevent pregnancy and not to prevent the transmission of STD’s or STI’s. I believe that if we could get pregnant with oral sex then we would have been using condoms orally for a while now. But because as a society we all believe that we will never get “it” or only sluts get “it” or only dirty people get “it” that we think we are in the clear don't use a condoms. Just a reminder but you can get herpes from performing or receiving oral sex. I know that hearing the idea of using a condom or a dental dam for oral sex sounds pretty out there and even weird but herpes and other sexually transmitted infections can and are being transmitted.
I want to take you back to my dentist experience. I would be absolutely disgusting and appalling if my dentins started working on my mouth without latex gloves. So then why is it we go down on complete strangers without any protection? My thoughts...its education and awareness. In a past episode, episode 28 I discuss what safe sex is. As I was recording this episode I have realized I need to do a full demo on condoms, dental dams and safe sex. Keep your eyes peeled for this in the future.
Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka
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