070: #AskAlexandra is the tingle an outbreak?
Ask Answer and Get the Facts about Herpes
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Welcome to today’s episode of Life with Herpes. I am always thrilled to have you join me and spend your time with me. Thank you! Today’s question on the #AskAlexandra portion comes from our Life With Herpes community. Some of the ladies in the slack group were chatting with one another and were wondering if the tingle that you sometimes get is considered an outbreak. They were mentioning that they are on an antiviral daily so their thoughts were maybe the antiviral was working its magic and suppressing the outbreak. Or maybe it is a little outbreak and the antiviral is suppressing it. Regardless this is a great question because the answer is really we don’t know unless you get it swabbed from the doctor. This is really a waste of your time, money and if it is going to become a full-blown outbreak then you will know soon enough. The best advice is to get to know your body.
However, I do suggest to error on the side of caution. If you are feeling a little uncomfortable in that area or if the tingle is your trigger for an outbreak then I would go hands off for the next day or so until the tingle goes away. How I personally view this is your body is telling you something. Tune in. What is your vagina or penis telling you? I know that can sound silly but really your body is trying to get your attention to tell you to listen up. Personally, when I have the tingles or the hot spots I know my body is telling me I need to stop, relax and slow down. The funny thing was that after I recorded this episode I actually felt the tingles, I was exhausted so I took my own advice. I heated up some delicious soup and took a nap. As soon as I did that my body Thanked Me.
Long story short, unfortunately, we don't really know 100% but use this as an opportunity to de-stress, cut out some activities and if possible take a nap and get a good night's sleep.
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