093: Coconut Oil and Herpes with Alexandra Harbushka

Coconut oil, amino acids and what it has to do with the herpes virus




Life With Herpes

In the recent years, coconuts have become the holy grail of the beauty industry and is the solution to so many ailments. It’s claimed to prevent Alzheimer's, prevents heart disease, it doesn’t store as fat in your body, it is an immune booster and the benefits of coconuts just goes on and on.  Trust me, I love coconut oil too. It’s great for cooking, I love using it as a lotion, as a moisturizer for my face, for keeping my teeth white and my favorite is lube. I should probably do an episode just on this.

If you remember from previous episodes we break down arginine and Lysine and coconut is one of the biggies for the arginine to lysine ratio. Yikes!!!

So is coconut oil good for your herpes outbreak or what?

Coconut oil and coconut water don’t contain amino acids only the coconut milk and coconut meat contain amino acids. What this means is coconut oil and coconut water is excellent for you especially when you have an active outbreak. On the contrary, you will want to limit your coconut milk and coconut meat intake.

Wondering how this all works? Let’s first talk about viruses. They have this protective outer shell that is made up of protein. This shell is what prevents our bodies from essential killing it or taking control of the virus allowing the virus to multiply in our body.  Here is how the coconut oil comes to the rescue. The coconut oil contains Lauric acid and capric acid and they get metabolized and attach to the virus. The cool thing is that when this happens the coconut oil can dissolve this protective shell. It’s kinda like the virus getting caught with its pants down. The virus now has no protection and thus the virus dies. Pretty cool right?

Moving forward, use as much coconut oil as you like for your cooking, sex and outbreak prevention. Here's my favorite coconut oil lube I use. Click here to learn more. 

Here’s How I Can Help

Join our monthly live Herpes Support Group - www.lifewithherpes.com/supportgroup

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Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka





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