Dating And Herpes: How To Handle Yourself

Dating can be all fun and romantic until one of the partners is infected with the condition that the other partner knew about but did not disclose. Herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease. Unfortunately, it is not easy to tell when someone has it, especially when the symptoms are not glaring. Usually, it is characterized by sores, pain, and itchiness. As a viral disease, there is the reality of the disease not going away ultimately. However, with the right therapy or treatment, it is possible to manage the symptoms and make life more bearable.
Facts and Realities About Herpes
Herpes is a viral disease characterized by sores and genital pain. It can affect both men and women and is usually dormant in the body after the initial infection. The disease can take several years to manifest and often recurs after certain periods. There are specific medications that one can use to control and manage the symptoms and outbreaks.
Unfortunately, the disease is a result of a contagious virus. There are two types of the virus: the herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2. The most common transmission mode is by contact, which can either be through kissing or sexual contact. Kissing and touching mainly lead to infection by the HSV 1, while sexual contact transmits the HSV 2. Sadly, herpes has no cure. Patients have to use remedies such as the syn pharma products and other medications to control outbreaks.
Some of the daily medication helps users contain the symptoms and minimize the rate of their occurrence and contribute towards assisting them to have a meaningful relationship with uninfected partners. Such individuals can take the regular daily dose that ensures they do not transmit the virus to their partners even when they are intimate with each other.
Herpes in Females
Sores generally characterize herpes. These often appear as small pimples around the genital area. They are often filled with fluid, and when they burst, they tend to develop a yellow crust as they heal. Women also tend to feel more pain compared to men during urination whenever they have such a condition. However, this does not mean that people with no sores are not infected. Herpes does not always manifest in sores and itchiness. It helps to take a general STI test if you doubt yourself. Most people have infected their partners unknowingly.
Possibilities of Non-sexual Infection
Like any other viral diseases, there is always the concern of alternate infection. Most people would be worried about getting infected when sharing amenities such as toilets. Fortunately, the herpes virus does not last outside the body for too long; hence it is impossible to get infected by sharing items with an infected person. However, this does not mean that people cannot be infected even when they do not have sexual contact.
As long as there is a body opening where fluids can pass through, the risk of infection is high. Usually, a cut on the skin or a wound on any part of the body is enough for one to get infected. The virus needs an opening to get into the body, and any contact with the infected individual can expose one. A simple and innocent act such as a peck from an infected person can be the way you get infected. In the end, it is a matter of being honest and caring about those around you, especially if you are aware of the infection.
How to Handle Herpes in a Relationship?
As they say, love knows no boundaries. Many people are in relationships that may not be considered ideal, yet they are thriving. Having herpes should be no reason to leave your partner. Unfortunately, the stigma around the disease makes it sound like a life sentence when in a real sense, it is not. Because anyone can get it even without their knowledge, it is not right to sideline others just because they have it.
Fortunately for good relationships, partners are often understanding and accommodating, especially if they do not have the disease themselves. It is essential for the infected partner not to see it as a big deal. This will help focus on the physical issues since there will be no stigma or mental issues resulting from being sidelined. It is essential to develop a strategy on how to handle the case when dating other people. Typical solutions include:
Decide how much detail you want to let your new partner know. Just because you are infected does not mean you must supply all information. Share only what you feel comfortable sharing as long as they are aware of the situation. Your diagnosis must be precise for them to understand what they are getting themselves into.
Choose the right timing. This may not be easy news to handle; hence one must prepare for any eventuality.
Watch out for warning signs and symptoms and visit the doctor with your partner for a diagnosis.
Do not withdraw from your partner suddenly. Talk about your fears and concerns as well as treatment options.
Final Thoughts
Being diagnosed with herpes is not a life sentence. While the stigma is real, it does not necessarily make it scary or unbearable. Visit the doctor early and explore treatment methods to better manage the condition quickly.
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