Outbreak Prevention
Sexual Ways Herpes Can Be Transmitted
There's more than just sex that can transmit herpes.
A lot of times when we are diagnosed with herpes we can become germaphobes. I mean, I already was one and when I got herpes I went over the edge. Anyone else guilty? When I had an outbreak I would begin to alienate my body. I wouldn't touch certain parts of my body and I would ALWAYS wash my hands like 25 times before I touched anything. It was like self-punishment. There is a level when you need to stop, take a deep breath and move on. Peop…
6 Activities That Cause Herpes Outbreaks
Life With Herpes
As someone who has herpes, and I’m guessing you do too because you are reading this, leaning ways to prevent outbreaks is on the top of our list. Clearly after having our first outbreak, which is typically the worst, we never want to experience that again. I know I sure don’t. Chances are you’ve googled or tuned into Life With Herpes to find out what causes herpes outbreaks. I know I wanted to know what foods cause outbreaks or are there any lifestyle changes I need to make to…
Herpes Outbreak Triggers
Everyone Has Their Own Trigger For Herpes Outbreaks.
Obviously, if we have herpes we want to do everything in our power to prevent another outbreak. Right?
Of course, as I’ve discussed time and time again, we’re all different. Some people will get an initial outbreak and then never have another one. Some people are asymptomatic and either they don’t know they have herpes or justs never have outbreaks. And others get them all the time. Now, I don’t know how some people can be asymptomatic…
4 Essential Oils To Heal Your Herpes Outbreak with Alexandra Harbushka
Essential Oils Can Help Your Herpes Outbreaks
Ok, so I love essential oils. When I was first introduced to them I was really skeptical about their holistic healing properties but I was always a huge fan of using them as aromatherapy. Essential oils have become a huge thing over the last couple of years so most likely you have some type of oil laying around your house. Well, as I’m sure you guessed it there are some oils that are really helpful and beneficial when it comes to a herpes outbreak.…