The Life With Herpes Podcast
112: Bill & Alexandra How We Handle Sex And Herpes
Life With Herpes, so I get asked time and time again about my relationship with my husband, Bill. People ask me if we practice safe sex, if we even have sex, people ask if he has herpes and also people ask what's going through Bill's mind about me having herpes. Well in this episode we share the nitty-gritty and Bill opens up about what's on his mind when we have sex. It's a pretty fun and personal video.
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Join our Lif…116: Why Will I Have Herpes For The Rest Of My Life With Alexandra Harbushka
One of the biggest reasons why herpes is so dreaded is because it stays with you forever. It’s one of the few things you're guaranteed to take with you when you die. The reason is
Now compared to getting chlamydia or ghonorrea or even strep throat these are all bacterial infections, not viruses. So when a person is diagnosed with say chlamydia a doctor will prescribe an antibiotic that will kill the chlamydia living in your body. You …
120: Alexandra Harbushka's Husbands Thoughts On Her Having Herpes
Hi there! On today’s episode my husband, Bill, is joining us. Yay! There’s been a ton of Secret Society members who’ve been asking about Bill and wanting to know what his true thoughts were when it came to be with me, us having sex and the risks of transmitting herpes.
Originally when I was diagnosed I truly believed that nobody would love me because of this virus. Sound familiar? I stayed in a relationship far too long because I didn’t have the self-confi…
123: Importance Of Putting Your Ego Aside And Telling Your Partner About Herpes With Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes
The ego is a really strong influence on our lives. The ego has some really good quality and of course, it can have some bad qualities.
The ego has many definitions and to some, it can be described as the little devil that sits on your shoulder. But the ego is basically a little voice inside you that wants to feel special and wants to prove it’s self. At the same time, the ego could be seen as it’s lacking confidence so it needs to be bois…