
Dating And Herpes: How To Handle Yourself


Dating can be all fun and romantic until one of the partners is infected with the condition that the other partner knew about but did not disclose. Herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease. Unfortunately, it is not easy to tell when someone has it, especially when the symptoms are not glaring. Usually, it is characterized by sores, pain, and itchiness. As a viral disease, there is the reality of the disease not going away ultimately. However, with the right therapy or treatment, it is pos…

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Ultimate Guide on Using CBD to Treat Herpes


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant, which medical researchers claim might help treat various diseases.

CBD is most useful in treating pain and anxiety, thanks to its remarkable analgesic and anxiolytic properties.

Besides pain and anxiety, there’s a long list of other medical conditions that cannabidiol might help with, including herpes.

But how effective is CBD against herpes? Read on for more insights on that.




What Is Herpes?

Herpes simplex…

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5 Superfoods That Can Help If You Have Herpes


Microbial infections can be quite daunting to deal with and affect many people worldwide. Out of all the microbes, the viral diseases are likely to remain for longer durations. When it comes to the occurrence of viral diseases, herpes is one of the most common ones. It occurs due to the infection by herpes simplex virus. Also, the infection can be of two types depending on the strain of the virus. While herpes simplex 1 causes oral symptoms, the type 2 infection leads to genital blisters.


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5 Foods That Boost Your Immune System and Help with Herpes Breakouts


Herpes is a ubiquitous virus that attacks two in every three people below 50 years of age. This virus has two strains: one that leads to cold sores and another that results in genital herpes. People who have experienced herpes outbreaks know that these outbreaks can be very itchy, painful, and extremely uncomfortable.


Consuming the right type of healthy food and avoiding a few food items can also boost the immune system and help the body fight the outbreak. A person with herpes should strictl…

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Should You Tell Your Past Partners about Your Herpes Diagnosis

Do My Past Partners Need to Know About my Herpes Diagnosis alexandra harbushka

Do your past partners even need to know that you have herpes?

When you’re just recently diagnosed with herpes hundred-and-one questions go through your mind. Usually a top one is where did I get this from. In some cases you may know exactly who you got it from for one reason or another but most of the time we don’t really know who it came from or when we got the HSV virus. 

I know when I was diagnosed with herpes I was going crazy with wondering who gave me this. I was still in the victim mod…

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Benefits Of Using CBD Oil For Herpes


Ever since CBD came into the limelight, people have been trying to find new benefits and uses. It has now emerged as a popular alternative treatment for various health troubles, both physical and psychological. With its therapeutic properties, CBD oil has the potential to treat many diseases without any side effects. Herpes is the new edition to the long list of ailments that CBD can treat.

Are you wondering how it can benefit people with herpes? Read on to learn more about using the oil for tr…

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What to Do If You Give Your Partner Herpes

you gave your partner herpes alexandra harbushka

What to say when your partner tells you they got herpes from you

Generally, our first outbreak is so bad and we’re in so much pain that we think to ourselves that we’d never want to give our partner herpes. I know this was how I felt. I was like, I’d never ever want to put someone through the physical pain or the emotional pain I just went through. I can remember telling my doctor that I was never going to date again or have sex for that matter. I felt like I was going to just shrivel up and …

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3 Ways Your Sex Life Improves with Herpes

3 Ways Your Sexlife Improves with Herpes alexandra harbushka

How a Herpes Diagnosis Improves Your Sex Life

The thought of having a healthy sex life and herpes usually don’t go together in the same sentence. I know when I was diagnosed with genital herpes the thought of having sex was disgusting to me. I can remember thinking that that was what got me in this mess and so now I have to pay for my mistakes. By the way… it took about 2 years to forgive myself and believe that I didn’t make a mistake and I didn’t do anything wrong. 

Then I got over the disgu…

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Why You Should Have Sex Even If You Have Herpes

Why You Should Have Sex Even If You Have Herpes - alexandra harbushka

Benefits of Having Sex Even with a Herpes Diagnosis 

On the day you’re diagnosed with herpes the absolutely last thing on your mind is having sex. Unless you’re playing through your head who you had sex with and how you got herpes. But the idea of moving on and having sex with either your current partner or a new partner is not even on your mind. 

Let’s face it, you’re in excruciating pain and probably can’t even sit down, you are in emotional pain from learning that you have an STD that will…

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3 Ways Your Herpes Diagnosis Liberates Your Sex Life

_3 Ways Your Herpes Diagnosis Liberates Your Sex Life - Alexandra Harbushka

Herpes And Sex Can Go Together

Herpes diagnosis and liberated sex life don’t normally go in the same sentence or even in the same conversation. When I hear liberated sex life I think of the sexual revolution and that does not include herpes.  

But  here’s the deal it’s totally possible to be liberated and have your own sexual revolution with your herpes diagnosis. Of course this takes time and does not happen overnight. When you’re diagnosed with herpes the last thing on your mind is having se…

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