095: What Your Body Is Telling You About Herpes, with Sophia Wise One
Vagina Therapy, Body Work and Talking To Your Herpes With Herpes Podcast
Welcome to this edition of Life With Herpes. Have you ever considered your body is trying to tell you something when you have an outbreak or when you aren’t feeling good in some other way? Our guest today says it is and she’ll help you understand the message.Sophia Wise One is a certified Holistic Pelvic Care Provider™ and Reiki Master. She practices Holistic Vagina and Rectal Therapy …
096: 5 Steps To Telling Your Partner You Have Herpes With Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes friends! I’m glad you're here. Telling anyone you have herpes can be terrifying, paralyzing, scary, alarming and the list can go on and on. Now the thought of telling someone you like and want to have a relationship can be even more frightful. Personally, I believe it goes way deeper than having herpes, it’s the fear of rejection. And the thought of being rejected for having herpes feeds into the awful stigma. The truth is, a lot of time we n…
098: Bare Naked Bravery, with Emily Ann Peterson
Life With Herpes Courageous
Welcome to this edition of Life With Herpes. Emily Ann Peterson is my business #BFF and she is here to talk about bare naked bravery.Emily Ann is a singer-songwriter, author & creative consultant. She inspires courageous expression for people who crave all things beautiful, strong, sacred, creative and connected.
Is Emily Ann’s book and her story about her experience of surviving an eating disorder, starting a musical ca…
099: What Your Partner Wants To Know About Your Herpes with Alexandra Harbushka
What Your Partner Is Thinking When You Tell Them You Have Herpes
[video_player type="youtube" style="1" dimensions="560x315" width="560" height="315" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20" ipad_color="black"]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9nWEw2SkZCQjY0VQ==[/video_player]Life With Herpes
This is one of the big questions I hear when it comes to dating someone who does not have herpes. We are always worried what we should say or not say or wondering what they are going to need from us in or…102: Herpes Outbreak Essentials with Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes friends! Ok, let’s get right to it. Outbreaks suck!
I’m going to be vulnerable and tell you some of the thoughts that go through my head when I get an outbreak. I think; why me, why now, urg… of course I got an outbreak, Oh it was because I ate this or did that, why did I sleep with him, what was I thinking, oh no did I give it to my husband, annoying I have to watch what I eat the next couple of days, oh man I have to cancel some of my plan…
103: Oral Herpes Down There With Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes guys and welcome to today's episode. I’m getting a ton of questions on genital herpes and oral herpes and it can be pretty confusing so today I want to spend some time on HS1 when it’s down there.
A lot of questions I hear are:
- “I have HSV1 but I also have genital herpes, so does that mean I have HSV2 also?”
- “I have HSV1 but I don't get cold sores.”
- “If I have HSV1 down there can my partner get it on their mouth?”
- “I’m confused becaus…
104: Heal Herpes Through Thoughts and Emotions, with Beverly Zeimet
Life With Herpes, today our guest, Beverly Zeimet, will explain why she believes we can heal herpes through the power of thoughts and emotions!
Beverly has been in the alternative field for over 35 years, and she specializes in emotional release and helping people find their true identity and purpose. She works with her clients to look at their own lives and look at what roles they take on and how those roles can impact their lives.
We met at a networking…
105: How to prevent herpes outbreaks when you travel with Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes
Do you get outbreaks when you travel? For me, it’s a pretty much guaranteed. I love to travel and it’s one of my passions but what I don’t like is waking up the next morning in a new city that I can’t wait to explore and feel a herpes blister. It means that I have to pace myself, it means no sex with my husband, it means I’m feeling uncomfortable, it means I can’t try clothes on and go shopping, it means a whole lot of things that I don’t want t…106: Over The Counter Stuff That Helps Herpes Outbreaks with Alexandra Harbushka
Hey there! Ok, I want to jump right in and talk about over the counter stuff that I personally use as well as some other stuff that members in our community use. Let’s get real. Outbreaks Suck! But also let’s be honest, there are other things in the world that are way worse so I’m not saying this in a way to sound like a victim. Ya know?
But...when we have outbreaks we want to clear them up ASAP and get back to our life. We don’t want them to get in the way of ou…
Hey there! Ok, I want to jump right in and talk about over the counter stuff that I personally use as well as some other stuff that members in our community use. Let’s get real. Outbreaks Suck! But also let’s be honest, there are other things in the world that are way worse so I’m not saying this in a way to sound like a victim. Ya know?
But...when we have outbreaks we want to clear them up ASAP and get back to our life. We don’t want them to get in the way of ou…
124: Dating Apps The Pros And Cons's And Herpes With Alexandra Harbushka
Life With Herpes
Today we’re going to talk about dating and online dating when it comes to herpes. I get asked frequently about being able to date even though you have herpes. Dating can be a scary and daunting period. I mean… we set out to find love, companionship, lust, and friendship in a partner. Not to mention all the other little lifestyle factors that have to come into play.
The way we act today as humans is so different than befo…